"Children are made readers on the
laps of their parents."
Emilie Buchwald
One of my "jobs", besides teaching Pre-K 4, is taking care of our children's library. Just before the school year begins, a teacher friend and I get to go to a local bookstore, spend a few hours perusing children's books and selecting a really nice bunch of books to bring back to the school for parent's to purchase and donate to our school library. I may not be the perfect person for the job; I assure you, no one enjoys it more.
Now this is going to sound off track, but it is just an example of how my rambling
crazy brain runs.
A few weeks ago, playing around in the kitchen, I was mixing up a batch of my, go to, chocolate chip cookies. I am a bit like the the mouse in If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. I can begin one thing which will make me think of something else, which will make me think of something else, and so on and so on. You're following me, right?
image from Goodreads
So, while tossing together all the ingredients, I ventured down that street (you know the one I'm talking about) named Memory Lane. I had those warm fuzzy memories of coming home from school, finding a plate of M &M cookies and a glass of milk waiting on the table. I would sit on the kitchen stool while Mother cooked supper, and we would talk about my school day. A couple of cookies and a glass of milk and I was an encyclopedia of all that happened in the classroom and on the playground.... no holding back... no secrets kept. Trust me on this one, I was pretty much a sell-out for a good cookie.
The light bulb went off!
Milk and Cookies
(and children's literature)
Again, I am throwing together a couple of my favorite things to share.

In addition to sharing my thoughts on the books I am enjoying, I am going to occasionally
share a favorite children's book and perhaps...
a cookie recipe (because you know I love to play in the kitchen).
I believe...
When we read, and share a love of reading, with children,
we are creating readers.
If you can read you can do anything.
If we create readers, and they can do anything...
Imagine the possibilities!
Readers, I love sharing the things that excite me, and make my heart smile, with you. I love hearing your thoughts and ideas. Writing and putting this out into space, tying it to my Instagram account, is totally out of my comfort zone. You make it easy, safe, and so much fun. So.... using my best southern manners, I say....
Thank you so very much!
Have a great weekend friends,
do something that makes your heart sing
Happy Reading!