Thursday, August 1, 2013

Morning breaks and it is just like every other morning.  It is't a bad thing, it is just the way it is.
Routine is good, status quo can be comforting.  No surprises.
Then without warning, somewhere in the day, the game changes, 
the wind switches direction, pieces are moved and fate takes control.

This morning started out like any other.  I roamed outside with Willie, made coffee and saw R. off to work.  I walked my two miles, read and answered emails.  I sent out a few reminders and set up a meeting or two.   As the morning progressed I kept my eye on the clock.  I had a much needed hair appointment I was thinking of canceling.   I had a little minor out-patient surgery on my back yesterday; I was worried I might not be able to lay back to have my hair shampooed.   All morning I found myself reaching back to touch the bandage covering the stitches wondering if I should go or wait.  I weighed the possible pain with having to reschedule an appointment that was made six weeks ago.  Time passed, and vanity won out over comfort.

My appointment was for 2:30, I left home at 2:00.  I took my usual route, the traffic was slower than normal.  I wouldn't have time to stop into the bookstore.  Parking can sometimes be difficult, but there was a spot waiting for me right in front of the spa.   I had just enough time to run into Starbucks for my green tea, before my appointment time.  I ran into an old friend, we stood chatting about our girls then went our separate ways.  

The receptionist greeted me as I walked past.  I usually sit in the waiting area, but on a whim walked back to M.'s cubicle.   He was finishing up someone and told me sit in his second chair.   As we chatted I watch another  salon client walk to the back of the spa.   I thought I recognized her, but couldn't put my finger on who she might be.   Soon she walked back, she looked so familiar and I became more certain I knew her.   She reminded me of a friend from long ago.  A friend I lost contact with when we both moved away.  I knew that was impossible, and decided it was probably someone from one of the schools my daughter attended or a church committee.  I probably didn't really know her at all;  it was just a familiar face.

After talking about my color, and deciding not to change anything the colorist left to go do her mixing.  M. left to meet his next client.   As they entered I saw it was the woman I had been trying to place.  I thought to myself, surely I will hear a name and figure out who the person is.

She sat down.
"Your new",  M said.
"Yes, I am.  I just moved here."
"Where are you from?"
"Salt Lake City, Utah".

Well, that put an end to my inquiry.  I don't know anyone from Salt Lake City.  The conversation went a little further, and I couldn't help but put my two cents worth in the mix.

"I'm sorry, I feel like I should know you".
"Well, have you ever been to Salt Lake City", she asked.
"No", I replied.
"I lived in Atlanta?"
My heart skipped a beat.
"Did you live in Nashville?"

The woman look stunned.  "Yes."
"Are you JH?"
Before she could respond I gave her my name,
"I'm Bonnie C." 

There was some screaming and hugging.   M. stood back and watched speechless, 
and he is never speechless.  I looked at him, and said, "You don't understand, we were friends, our children were in pre-school together, we would go to lunch so many years ago."

Was it fate, a friend from long ago just happen to follow a recommendation from her realtor (who is not a client of M) and scheduled an appointment with my hairdresser on the same day in the time slot just following my own?

Is this serendipity?  

People walk in and out of our life everyday.  You see people in the grocery store, at church, in a restaurant their face makes an impression.  You recognize them the next time you pass them, you may even smile and say hi.

  Your friends, you think you will know forever, but events happen.  You move,  they move, keeping contact is not always easy.  You don't know why more of an effort wasn't made, but it wasn't.   You think of friends from long ago occasionally wondering what they are doing, would you recognize them if you saw them again.   We've aged, does it matter?  Would they be as recognizable as someone you passed in the market?  Then you get the chance.  A chance to rekindle a friendship.

Lunch is planned.
 There are years to catch up with.  
I am still questioning, 
What are the chances?


  1. Loved this Bonnie . . . reminds me of a piece called Bits and Pieces! I will send it to you . . .

    It was meant to be . . . gave me those tingles all over . . .

  2. Even though you are a couple of decades behind me, Bonnie, it still amazes me how blogville echoes across the miles. After reconnecting with a friend from long ago, we have been having lunch once a month for over a year now ~ yesterday was our same place, same time day out. Happy August to you and your friend.

  3. Interesting story, Bonnie. I don't know how these things happen but I don't think it's an accident.

  4. Some friends are meant to be in your life for a long time, perhaps forever. Through FB, I have reconnected with very good friends who moved away and it became hard to keep in touch. I'm so thrilled to have them back in my life.


  5. I really enjoyed reading this. It was a lovely. So nice to rediscover an old friend.

  6. In indeed, was meant to be! How thrilling! I'm so happy for you.

  7. How lovely, Bonnie. I'm glad you put your two cents in! And I do hope your back is behaving itself.

  8. It really was serendipity! How wonderful that you ran into each other.
    And I hope you're feeling well after your back surgery.

  9. It was kismet, Bonnie. Isn't 't it wonderful when things happen like that.

  10. People come and go in our lives for many different reasons. It's a wonderful gift that you two found each other again...the reason must be very special. I bet you're happy that vanity won! :)

    Hope you feel better soon. xo

  11. Bonnie - what a wonderful surprise. It was certainly meant to happen. Glad you kept your hair appt. and are going to enjoy reviving a long time friendship. Have a great day.

  12. Synchronicity. How wonderful to reconnect with your friend. I love those events in my life. I try to pay attention to the meaning.

  13. When it happens as such, you know there was a REASON to bump into someone you knew from the past, from so long ago, IN THAT SITUATION? There were no was MEANT TO BE! How chilling, thrilling, BONNIE! Enjoy your Sunday my dear, and thank you for coming to visit! HORSES you say, were in your past? too. White ones. LOVE! Anita

  14. was meant to be!!

  15. Bonnie, through a chance encounter I reconnected with a friend from UCLA. We have been inseparable since. It's funny how we can lose touch, reconnect, and rediscover all the common interests that drew us together in the first place. And she always makes me remember the young me!
    xx Sunday

  16. I have recently reconnected with two very dear friends that I have not seen since shortly after High School. We just picked up where we left off. The same comfortable rapport is still there. Feels so good.

  17. I love this story, something similar happened to my husband and I when we moved cross country and ran into a friend he hadn't seen in years. Sometimes these things are just meant to happen!

  18. What a wonderful story! It was meant to be!
