Monday, December 13, 2010


Sunday morning the howling wind, which lulled me to sleep Saturday night, woke me before 6:00a.m.  I could have chosen to pull the covers a little higher and fall back to sleep, but I decided to get up, put on my warmest (not my favorite) robe and head downstairs with Willie at my heels. 

Willie was eager to go outside; I was eager for caffeine.  It was in my best interest to put Willie's needs ahead of my wants.  Once we were back inside I could have chosen to turn up the downstairs thermostat; I decided to turn on the fireplace (yes, I have gas logs).  

With the coffee brewing, Willie and I settled into a comfy chair wrapped in a cozy throw.  My laptop laying on the stool in front of me, my book  on the table beside me, and three balls of yarn yearning to be played with, waiting in my knitting bag next to the chair, it was a quiet morning with options.

Sometimes that is all that is needed to recharge.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a winter morning!

  2. Sounds like a cozy morning - I love when days start out that way. I love the quiet hours by myself when I can leisurely do what I want...or nothing at all.
    Church was cancelled on Sunday morning because of the weather so I also found myself with cherished time. Time and options can do our souls some good ~
    Happy Holidays!

  3. And Bonnie--does the fireplace open into two rooms, as it seems to do here? How lovely! Your morning sounds just about perfect...

  4. Charlotte-- the fireplace does open into the den and the sun room. Being double sided doesn't allow the correct pull of the smoke. I will be major construction to change to woodburning. Bright side? I can have a warm fire at the flick of a switch. . . I suppose!
