Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Oh My!

I am still working my way around in the blogging world.   When I first started, the only way I knew to get to certain areas was through another bloggers site.  I even used her website designer to pretty up my page, with the help of my daughter.  Thank you Gretchan! 

I have only recently started checking out and following bloggers I  don't know personally, and have found by checking out other's favorites.  I hope no one thinks I am stalking them.  I'm not for sure what I thought all those tabs at the top of my dashboard meant.  You know the ones:  Comments, Settings, Design, Monetize, Stats.   Not long ago I started clicking on everything just to see what would happen.  I kind of look at things with a "what's the worse thing that could happen?" attitude.  So I totally wipe everything out?  I'll just start over.  Anyway, I found out I can check out comments without going to my draft page.  And, if I click on stats I can see how many hits I get in a day, week, month or year.  It's one of those things I haven't been concerned with, but once I discovered it I check if I'm signed in.  My stats are quite modest, actually,  lower than modest.  I have a few followers, and....oh yes, I  even have a phantom follower (I love mysteries). 

Two days ago I checked my stats and the  hit line went to the top of the graph.  I squealed "Oh my!  What's going on?"  Willie jumped down and ran for cover.  Roger looked up from his laptop with concern.  I am sure he thought I had just totally wiped out my computer without hope of recovering anything.  When I returned to my dashboard I found out what was going on.

My friend Charlotte had mentioned  me, and her memories of time we shared in Louisiana, in her blog,  Nightbook.  She titled it "A Durable Memory".  I commented back to her, I literally had to go back several times to reread.  I don't believe I have ever had my name mentioned in such a beautifully written piece.  She described me as "bubbly".  This appeared on a day when I needed bubbly.  I am grateful, not for the "hits on my blog, but that someone with Charlotte's extraordinary talent would mention me.  Her writing is both lyrical and poignant.  I am humbled.  I hope that I once was, and still am the person she remembers me to be.  I hope I can live up to being "durable".


  1. I truly get excited when I see you have a new post. I am so glad you blog. I loved reading Charlotte's post, "A Durable Memory". That's exactly how I thought you would have been in high school. You are special Miss Bonnie.


  2. Just keep posting and your following will build,I know it doesn't happen quickly. And I love the quote in your profile.

  3. I wouldn't be here if not for you Gretchan.

    Suzy, I'm very shy about telling anyone about my writings. I'm having a lot of fun with it right now, and I love checking in on everyone else. You all inspire me. Thank you for kind words and encouragement.
