She did it! (I never doubted her.) She set her goals and accomplished them "bird by bird" (book title by Anne Lamont). Through the years, I have watched Heather set goals and accomplish them with focus and hard work. She faced challenges head-on and never blinked. She has the wonderful ability of keeping her eye on the prize and never stepping from the path.

As I think of all what Heather has done in twenty-six short years, I am awed. I remember sitting with her in her apartment as she practiced the defense of her Honor's College thesis. She was so excited and confidant. As Heather talked and showed me her slides my mind slipped back. The person sitting next to me was no longer a confident young woman, but the small brown eyed little girl that I would sit and read and study with. Instead of reading a storybook the child was explaining why all the experts were wrong about the dating of a piece of pottery. Yes, I had to turn away and blink away the tears; it seemed like only yesterday. I was not sad, but wistful and very proud.

I like to tell people, if God had lined mother's up and told me I could choose, I would have chosen my mother. The same holds true for my daughter. She is my joy and my heart...she is my "opus"! (reference to "Charlotte's Web").
Heather has had her wings for a few years now. And, I am continually amazed at the heights to which she soars.

Happy third Anniversary, Heather and Kyle!
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