Friday, June 11, 2010

Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain!

I'm singing in rain, yes singing in the rain. What a glorious day; I'm happy again.

I am not for sure those are the correct words to the song, but they are the words I am singing today!

A bit of history!

Memorial Day weekend one was a very busy time around my house. I thought I wanted to start the weekend by settling in early with a book I received from my daughter at Christmas. I really wanted sometime with a good book; I had even secretly wished for a rainy day, even though I knew I had so much to do outside. Anyway, with book in hand and Willie following close behind, I headed downstairs to do a little reading. I had just slipped into nineteenth century England; eagerly combing the beach for fossils ("Remarkable Creatures), when my sweet husband comes into the room asking,

"Do you want to go the Home Depot with me?"

"No, I think I am going to sit here, with Willie, and read a little before heading outside".

He came back with, "I thought you might find that plant you've been looking for".

I had been driving everyone crazy looking for this one plant I needed to finish one of my containers; a Golden Tropicana Canna. It was just what I needed to accent the purple and silver plants I had already planted in this sea glass green container. Down the book went, on went the baseball cap, and off I went to Home Depot. No, I didn't find the Golden Tropicana Canna; I found so much more!. I rushed home and put all my new treasures in the ground and in pots and rushed off to a nursery nearby who was having a 20% off sale. "Heaven, I'm in Heaven"... (My husband is so tolerant of my obsessions, and in the spring it is my plants.)

I came home with even more finds. I still had not found the elusive Golden Tropicana Canna. By the end of the day I had managed to get everything planted.

With a glass of wine in one hand and a pencil in the other I sat down outside and planned my next day. One more day and one more nursery to visit. I knew I wanted to separate some plants and move somethings around, but most of all I had a new bed planned. I would need a rose bush, more coreopsis, another lavender for balance, and I would add the shasta daisies I purchased the day before; hopefully, I would find that canna.

I spent that Monday morning, separating and moving around. I also took Roger's camera out to take pictures around the gardens (pointing up to my cool picture at the top of my page).

Showered and with plans in hand off we headed to the last (I promised) nursery. I really tried to restrain myself; I came home with everything on my list, except... Yes, you guessed it the Golden Tropicana Canna. Alas, I know when to surrender. I substituted with a different variety. We'll see!

The new bed went in with my fabulous husband's help. I couldn't do any of my gardening without him; he keeps my plans realistic and, sometimes, on budget. We put away the tools, cleaned up yet again, and sat down to enjoy the fruits of our labor.

I was finished! I was already thinking of what to work on in the fall, but I was finished for the spring; looking forward to leaving Wednesday to visit my daughter for four days. All was well!

Hum! Tuesday evening Roger noticed the backyard sprinkler system was not putting out very little water. Oh my! I suddenly saw three days of hard labor literally burning in the heat before my eyes. We began moving containers around, put the meyer lemon tree in a plastic storage container filled with water;and, Roger started setting up sprinklers that could be manually turned on and off. With the help of reliable timer and a sweet neighbor, our yard managed to survive the sun and our being away.

Back to the present.

The good news -- the sprinklers can be fixed. The bad news -- it will be the end of next week (it takes me three hours watering time in my back yard). The best news -- IT RAINED LAST NIGHT AND THIS MORNING! So.... I'm singing in the rain, yes singing in the rain what a glorious morning, I'm happy again. I'm singing in the rain!

Note: The pictures are pictures I randomly took in and around my yard.