Monday, January 6, 2014

Winter Thoughts

I've been away.  
This time last week I was in Seaside, Florida preparing for the new year.
It was overcast, rainy, and I thought... cold.  The clouds were so dense the sun was blocked from giving us the beautiful sunsets I've grown accustom to through the years, until the night of New Years Day.

I didn't know the cold awaiting my return.

I love winter's cold!
 I don't necessarily want to be outside when it is this frigid, but I do love to cuddle up inside without the guilt of needing to run off somewhere.   I think we all need a period of hibernation.   There is something to be said about being forced to slow down and cocoon for a day or two.

I've heard over the past several days this winter storm is breaking temperature records across the United States.  Is this just more proof of our planet's warming pattern, or perhaps, it is her way of hitting the restart switch?

Tomorrow I return to school.  I am excited to reunite with my children.  They will have grown, and after a day of resettling they will be ready to get down to business...I hope.
Today, I am enjoying the day packing away the last of Christmas and
 finishing the last chapters of  The Prisoner of Heaven, Carlos Ruiz Zafon.

Willie says keep your sweater on, curl up on a comfy blanket, and stay safe.


  1. Bitter cold here, 1 degree, -30 wind chill. Sweaters are always on these days. I like your doggies blue sweater! Sorry your Florida days were not the best . . .

  2. Clouds aside, your photos from Florida look pretty special Bonnie. Thanks again for the book recco. I am thrilled that there is another book for me to read. Barcelona here I come! Best wishes for the new school year Bonnie, I imagine just seeing those smiles greeting you each morning warms your heart.. xx

  3. I love your baby's sweater! I'm so enjoying a day in all cuddled up with my books. Hate to think about all the little ones having to get out in the cold. Stay warm.


  4. Cold mostly everywhere in the US now. I am keeping warm and cozy too. Thinking about making some corn chowder for dinner tonight - it will be the perfect thing!

  5. Love Willie's sweater. Did you make it?


  6. I hope the start of term goes smoothly. Im sure the children will have lots of exciting stories from their Christmas break. Jx

  7. I am doing similar tasks and hibernating also. Here the temperatures are the lowest I can remember so staying indoors with a nice fire going is the only game in town.

    Take care Bonnie, and have a good first day back at school.

  8. I've always been intrigued by Seaside as I'm interested in urban planning. Our little town of Powell River was built on the garden city model which, I think, shares some priinciples with new urbanism. Whatever the theory, it is made for walking, although at this time of year I'm all for hibernation.

  9. Pretty images Bonnie! I like staying home and working on home projects and crafts....but that's because I don't have a real job ;)

  10. We love our hibernation period in the winter, no shows, no pressure, just relax and take a nice break. Glad you are happy to get back to your kids! They need good teachers.

  11. HELLO THERE, WILLIE! teeehee..what a cutie PIE! Oh Bonnie, you are back to school and so am I! I don't know about you, but we here in Minnesota were in the middle of that POLAR VORTEX nonsense and both Monday and Tuesday of this back to school week, we had school cancellations. It was nice while it lasted, but it only messed up our finals schedule for next week! I am now teaching at the secondary level and I'm now getting used to the calender of many events with finals! I too enjoyed seeing my 8th graders and my 11-12th graders!

    Thank you Bonnie for coming over tonight to visit. Enjoy looking for beauty in the most UNlikely places! Anita

  12. A very serene sunset to start a new year. And thank you, Willie, I have got my woolly on and am taking your advice!

  13. Dear Bonnie - just catching up with you. So glad you got away to enjoy some nicer weather. As for hibernating - great thought. Today though it feels like spring here and I am loving it. May you have a great week with your students. Take care and God bless.

  14. I love hearing about your cozy winter day. It does feel so good when we can stay inside when it is cold outside. Cuddled up with a book and a cup of tea, in front of the fire is heaven.
    xx Sunday
