Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Night Before Halloween

Yes, here it is the night before Halloween, 
and the candy bowl is empty.

I ask my children what I should buy.
I gave them options....

Goldfish, or

fruit snacks.

What do you think was the favorite?

Whatever I end up with I promise
my little ghosts and ghouls 

will not go away empty handed.

Happy Halloween!


  1. Goldfish! I have always loved Halloween.
    Smiles. Dottie

  2. Happy Halloween! We never get trick or treaters at our house, so I don't get to buy (and finish up) candy:-(. I always used to buy my favorite...and regretted it after I ate too much.

  3. Enjoy the little ones . . . Happy Halloween!

  4. goldfish, little ones love em'!!

    happy halloween bonnie, i hope your door bell rigns & rings and that your trick or treaters are adorable!!

  5. Dear Bonnie - I am sure your little ones will get a good treat no matter what you give them. Unfortunately I live so far out in the country we don't get any of those small dressed up tricksters. Wish we did. Enjoy!

  6. I'm home alone tonight, so I'm making myself a pizza and going to hide up in the bedroom with my computer and some new magazines. I feel bad about it .... but not really. :)

    I would opt for the goldfish...happy Halloween!

  7. I go with goldfish too. First Halloween in our new house in the sticks. I hoped for maybe one or two trick or treaters but it was quiet.

  8. Oh, on Friday morning, one of my high school senior boys ( I teach French) was so WIRED from all the candy he was still consuming! teehee

    Bonnie dear, I am so happy to see you this morning! Thank you for coming by and inspire! Anita

  9. Hope you had a good one! We had so many cute trick or treaters this year. Now we are really into holiday season!

  10. Not a word from you since Halloween - I hope the ghosts and ghouls haven't carried you away! You haven't told us which treat they preferred, but I'm with everyone else in thinking that it was goldfish. I bought a packet of 'false teeth'. Nobody called, but I'm not going to eat them!
