Wednesday, October 16, 2013

October Favorites

Are you enjoying October's beauty?

October is one of my very favorite months.
Summer has long bid her farewell, and the rush
of the holidays has yet to arrive.

It has been busy here, and at times a little overwhelming.
I've not been too busy though to enjoy some Autumn favorites.

A seasonal passing of the baton.

The first changing leaves.

Bits of the season placed here and


Aromas of ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg wafting through the house.

Picking apples off the tree,

and pumpkins from the vine.

Curling up with a new favorite author while taming a cold.

My plate is full today; words seem to be just beyond my reach.
Blessing are, however, in abundance,
and I am filled with gratitude.

Enjoy the beauty of Autumn!


  1. It looks like you really are enjoying the beauty of autumn (not to mention a couple of new books). Good luck with that cold.

  2. We have not have much Autumn around her, but I expect the trees to start changing next week. However, pumpkins are in abundance. Your fall pictures are just perfect, Bonnie and are of the quality I would see in a magazine. You are a very talented lady.

    I hope you feel better soon.

  3. Well, you've got all the beauty of autumn covered! It is a lovely time of year, isn't it.....

    Hope you get to feeling better. Hope that cold blows away with the leaves. :) xo

  4. Oh for a just picked apple. If you have to have a cold, I think you're in the right place.

    And gratitude is the very best medicine.

    xo jane

  5. Dearest Bonnie - first and foremost hope your cold is better...second this post is so all those things and October is certainly my favorite month of the year. I would love to have one of your ginger cookies...they look scrumptious. Take care and have a great week end.

  6. Love your fall photos! Ginger cookies are on my list for today. Pulling out heavier jackets is also on the list. Hope you are feeling better. An extra day or two might be a good idea.


  7. you found the perfect words bonnie, everything looks lovely!! i'll have 2 cookies and some hot tea, please and thank you!!
