Friday, July 23, 2010


Yes, I finished! Jumping up and down!

Edging (all 56 peaks) finished, and slip stitched (14 peaks on each side) around the central part of the blanket. Finished! Finished! Finished! I may actually get it in the mail before the baby makes his appearance.

Remember, in my very first blog entry, I mentioned I am a perfectionist; I do a lot of redoing (in knitting that is defined as a lot of ripping). Well, you guessed it -- I sewed the edging around three times before I was happy.

As I type, it is in the washing machine, on handwash, preparing to be blocked. With fingers crossed, I hoping all the little ends are woven in securely.

Oh my, three babies due in December. I will take advantage of the hot weather, stay inside and knit... may be just a little...

(future baby dress)


  1. Bonnie, this is beautiful! You are a perfectionist. This will be an heirloom, though, so it's good to be remembered that way. I just discovered your blog!

  2. Thank you Charlotte. Knitting is like my gardening, it calms me and gives me time to reflect on what is going on around me. I am flattered to have you following my blog.
