Over the weekend, Roger told me I was on my, cute red (my adjectives), laptop all the time. He said I was on it more than he. Well, I beg to differ! The man has two (2) laptops and two (2) blackberries, all of which he may be using at the same time. So see, there is no way I spend more time on my computer.
I do love my (cute red) laptop!
May be a little rambling here.
I find communicating on-line very efficient. I still find it sad we do not pick up the phone or write notes more often; the internet gets the job done more efficiently I suppose. I send a note to my daughter each morning though we talk during the day. I even communicated with my classroom parents via the internet this past year. I have to say, that was great! If I forgot to tell them something at carpool, or something came up during the day; easy communication. I loved that they also felt comfortable emailing me as well.
At the insistence of my best friend, and with the help of Heather I signed up for facebook last summer. I love reconnecting with high school friends and keeping up with local friends. I've had no response from a couple a people who I was really good friends with in high school, I thought. I don't spend too much time seeking out folks for my friend's list (may be it's the rejection thing); I accept everyone I know. I have been known to post things like: "Just finished The Pale Blue Eye. Great read!" Well, it didn't make much of a splash in the facebook world. So, I am not a frequent poster. I post pictures occasionally. I suppose you could say I am more of a lurker (whew, thank goodness for dictionaries, I almost used a word that does not accurately describe my facebook activities) in the world of facebook. I keep up, but I don't post random information; may be sometimes I do. I do have this on going thing about "wild violets".
I love to use my computer to keep up with my book lists. Well, I try! I spent the morning updating my B&N book list. I gave up on another on-line bookstore a few years ago. They keep recommending the same books; some of which I have personally reviewed. I have stayed pretty active on Goodreads. Great place to find books for any age and any genre'.
I keep up with my knitting obsession on-line as well. There is a fabulous place called Ravelry. It's a great place to organize patterns, needles and projects, both finished and in-progress. And I get to browse everyone else's projects. AND, I get to see how many people have ooohed and aaaawed over my projects..... or not. Giggling to self!
(Yawn! Are you kind of getting the idea, I love lists!)
Recently, I started this blog. When my "muse" is with me, I find it quite entertaining and fun. I love to tell stories; this is my venue. When she (my muse) is absent, I must admit I find it rather silly and think about terminating it; I shall continue for now. I'm learning how to fancy it up a little.)
Okay, back to my techieness. (Don't you just love made up words? My computer has underlined it in red.) My latest venture into the tech world is the e-reader. Yes, I bought an e-reader.....
This was a really big jump for me! I love my books! I love to hold books! I love the smell of books! I love to read books! (I once told a decorator, she could move anything in the house to anyplace in the house except my books. The 30/30/30 thing doesn't fly with me. My books are some of my most precious collectibles and art; of course, the other 30% - books. (So I already had that covered.)
I did a lot of research and fought with myself for days. I finally made up my mind. I wanted a Barnes and Noble Nook. I won't go into why. (I hear a collective sigh, thank goodness!) Anyway, with a very generous gift card in hand, I headed out towards B&N. I made it almost halfway and my car made an unplanned turn to Target. My heart was racing, my hands were sweaty. I just could not do it! How could I read a book on a screen? What would it be like falling asleep without a 500 page book falling on your face. I just couldn't do it!
Roger came home the next evening; before he had taken his suitcase upstairs, I ask him to go to B&N with me to buy a Nook. Like an addicted person, I needed support.
Well, we actually waited till the next evening. Once again I had my gift cards in hand and off we went. Roger was driving; no detours this time. We both ask questions, played with it in the store; taking a deep breath, I handed over my gift cards and purchased my Nook. I walked out exhausted, but with an e-reader, a $50 gift card (gift with purchase; I read this as free books), and a really cute red nook jacket that Roger bought for me.
As I sat reading my first downloaded book, Roger glanced up and said, "Look at my techie wife".
Am I becoming a techie????? (literally falling on the floor laughing)
postscript: I love my cute red nook! I am almost finished with my second book (it is too hot to do anything else). I will still have to add to my "hard copy" bookshelves; this will only enrich by my reading life. Now what do I want to read next?