Monday, July 9, 2018

Where to Pick Up


It was a busy busy spring... wrapping up the school year, enjoying extended visits with my beautiful daughter and amazing grandchildren, and of course... reading.

You know I do the reading for you... right?
Yes, it all for you!

  I've been posting a lot on my  (somewhat) new instagram account, bee_tweenthelines.  It is a heavy on book suggestions, with a sprinkling of blooms and fun in the kitchen.  It is a public account. If these things interest you, I would love for you to join me.

I have warned you in the past...
 When those squeaky wheels in my brain start turning, I can be a bit dangerous.  Stir in time and a few conversations with my daughter (there may have been some bubbly involved)...
it can get explosive around here.

I don't know if anything will become of all this talk; hopefully I'll have something to share this fall.
I'll keep you posted.  

In the meantime, I'll be reading, cooking and sharing with you here.

Now I'm off to see what you have been up to.

Happy Reading Friends!


  1. It has been awhile since I posted also. I have been busy with life and always running to catch up. The problem is that I am not as fast as I used to be. My gardens are doing well because of so much rain and the heat of the last few weeks has been good for the tomatoes. I saw a few red ones today.

    So will you be starting a new career soon? How exciting to have a new adventure to look forward to soon. I look forward to hearing your plans. Sometimes wine brings about great ideas.

  2. Wonderful to hear from you . . .
    I have one other that keeps me “in reads” . . .
    Thank you . . . I have been needing additions to my list.
    I just read, Kristin Hannah’s, Night Road . . .
    Wished I had been in a book group to discuss!

    Tried to find you on Instagram but not in luck yet!

  3. hi bonnie, nice to see you today. i am not on instagram, it is a long story, and i am still trying to resolve/figure out the problem. the shrimp dish looks so good, i always remember what a wonderful cook you are!! i hope you are enjoying your summer so far!!

  4. Dear Bonnie I have so missed you. Summertime is just the best time for reading. Your shrimp dish looks delicious. Sounds like there may be new horizons coming your way. May God bless them friend. Thanks too for stopping to visit me. Hugs!
