Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Let it Shine

"Lighthouses don't go running all over an island looking
for boats to save; they just stand there shining."
                                                                       Anne Lamont

I hope you are have a lovely week.


  1. Hi, Bonnie, my Dear! I love this! I wanted to come visit you and thank you for all your delightful visits and sweet comments for me...I swear, I am so behind! I decided that this evening was for me and I was going to sit down and make time to visit! ♥ Our youngest, Jonathan, graduates in 3 weeks and it seems like every day lately is just wild...and he takes care of most of it himself! (But I stress!) Tomorrow we have to see his advisor at the university about this fall's schedule...and this weekend is Senior Prom! I guess I just need to settle down and make more Fairy Houses...;)
    Hugs to you, my friend!

  2. you too!! wherever you are, i know you are shinning and making a difference!!

  3. I am! Hope you are too!

    This was a nice way to start the morning.....

  4. Terrific analogy for life! Have a lovely day!

  5. Yes! Wonderful quote .. just Be..

    We are finally getting some sunshine here in the pacific northwest. Hopefully I'll get some alfresco dinning in and a little gardening;). Have a nice weekend Bonnie!!


  6. We our own lighthouse keeper. Lots of work required to polish the lamp and keep it turning. Growing up on the coast the lighthouses were a comforting sight. Standing firm in all weathers, their light cutting through the dark.

  7. Dear Bonnie - great quote and photo...thanks for sharing. Also thank you for your visit - hope you have a wonderful week.

  8. Bonnie this is a beautiful quote! I hope you have a great week!

  9. Ah! Gorgeous. There is just something so centering about a lighthouse.

  10. I love that quote, and everything that Anne Lamott writes. Hope you're having a good week too.

  11. Hello Bonnie!

    I hope you are having a wonderful week with beautiful weather to sit in your lovely garden.

