Saturday, August 8, 2015

Summer Dreaming


Last I remember, is sitting quietly evaluating the past few months and looking forward to a month of rest and recuperation (reading and writing) before returning to classroom preparation and routine.   I've said it here before, "tell God your plans and listen to his laughing".

It wasn't meant to be.


I have one week left before heading back to school for meetings, in-service and work days.  The temps here, in Arkansas, are reaching triple digits...there is heat and humidity...nothing sounds more pleasing than a tall glass of iced tea and a good book.   In my dreams I am relaxing on the porch listening to waves gently sweep the shore.  Sigh!

How is your summer reading going?

Life is good...
Enjoy the week-end!


  1. awwww Bonnie, such sweet dreams, why do we sacrifice them???

    It is almost ten pm, and we are just driving home from an evening walk at the shore. A dream come true!!!

  2. One week before the routine . . . I hope you can make the best of it and enjoy a few shore moments too! (Triple digits doesn't sound fun at all!)

  3. Sorry your time has passed so quickly. It's been the prettiest summer in years in central va.... lower than normal humidity, and weekly rain. Truly the best way to start retirement! Know you will love the little ones as soon as you get them back.

    1. Webb, It has been one of those busy, busy years. It makes the quiet that much more appreciated. I am envious of you lovely summer weather. We have mild summer's the last two years; I suppose we were due. Enjoy the week! Bonnie

  4. Yes, another terribly hot southern Summer - your pondering thoughts on school days ahead do help make me think that perhaps it will be cool again one of these days! Autumn days and nights are usually lovely here.

    Enjoy your remaining week of vacation time Bonnie, and may the coming school year be a good one for you and the students.

    Mary -

  5. I hope that the temperature drops a little before school starts.... that sounds uncomfortable, even if there IS air-con. All the best, Jx

    1. Thankfully our school is air-conditioned. I am keeping my fingers crossed our hot weather will pass quickly. Have a wonderful week.

  6. We all look so forward to summer and it always goes by so quickly. If only winter would do the same. We have been vacationing a lot and taking care of a new four legged addition to our family. I am hoping for a less busy fall.

    1. Arleen, Here, it is the winter that passes quickly. It can sometimes begin as late as February and be gone by the end of March. Southern temps are a bit fickled.

      Your summer sounds fun. I look forward to hearing more about your newest family member. Enjoy the week. Bonnie

  7. I'm so ready for the Fall. It's been smoldering here in TN. Yes, I like the saying, Tell God your plans and listen to Him laugh. I seem to always be making my plans, trying to work them into His.

  8. Dear Bonnie- I know the summer is rushing by. It seems like school starts earlier and earlier. Hope you can treat yourself to a good book and an ice tea before the bell rings. Take care friend.

  9. I also am so ready for fall, my favorite season. I just read Euphoria by Lily King and loved it. Enjoy the rest of your summer!
