Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wednesday's Quotation


"Much more surprising things can happen to anyone who, 
when a disagreeable or discouraged thought comes into his mind, just has the sense to remember in time and push it out by putting in an agreeable, determinedly courageous one.
Two things cannot be in one place."

Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Secret Garden


  1. Wonderful quote . . . so true .. . ,

  2. We are surrounded by negative influences and it does take effort and courage to look at the bright side, but what a better life there is if we do that. Have you seen the documentary, Happy, on PBS? It is wonderful!

    I love your new header. There is nothing more peaceful than looking at ocean waves.

  3. ooh that's a wonderful quote and a beautiful image!!!!

  4. Dear Bonnie - this is an amazing quote and so well said. I just need to practice it!! Have a wonderful day.

  5. Lovely! I hope you are enjoying your summer!

  6. Beautiful quote from one of my favorite books. Your blog is such a peaceful place to visit. Have a lovely week.

  7. Hello Bonnie,
    A wonderful and powerful thought to keep in mind and it is so true.
    Fond wishes for a great week
    Helen xx
