Friday, April 25, 2014

Wrapping Up

I've been away! 

Yes I've been away both physically, and I suppose some might say mentally.   The spring is almost always the busiest time of the year both in and out of the classroom.  There is more to do than minutes in the day.  Perhaps this is why I have been posting about the pleasure of stealing time to breathe, and moments of quiet and beautiful contemplation.

This year has been a bit different.   Instead of waiting until May to begin my end of the year projects,
I am spending my time peddling to stay ahead.  If you have been with me for long you know this means...end-of-the-year books.  Our first grandbaby...grandson... is due in May;
 I cannot afford to be caught off guard.  

I thought it would be easy to stay on task, up to date, and be able to do all the other things I enjoy.  Life doesn't always operate the way we think it should.  I often tell friends who are adamant about controlling the direction of a situation, "tell God your plans and watch him laugh".   I accepted a long time ago life is not on my timetable, but his.  All I can do is listen, try to keep up and do my best.

I have kept up with school fairly well, but I have found I am not always able to do the things I have enjoyed in the past.   My stack of books is gaining height, but I am unable to spend quality time with them.   The gardens (and weeds) are surviving with minimum care.  Time with friends is hurried: a glass of wine after an appointment, a quick text or an evening walk.   Thoughts and words are harder to corral. When they do begin to whisper, I am not always at a place where I can write them down, then they...poof...disappear.

I am not complaining, for you see, we are anticipating the miracle of a new life.
Many months ago, I felt things falling apart.  It was a time when each morning I would hold my breath waiting for the phone to ring, and another rug to be pulled out from under me.   They were going faster than I could jump to another.   At the lowest point, when I was most frightened and angry,  I told God I was running out of rugs to be taken.  No sooner than the words entered my thoughts a voice whispered, "I will replace them with more beautiful rugs".  I have held that promise close, and now, I am waiting for Samuel Wyatt to make his appearance.  Beautiful, isn't it?

Please be patient with me, I will continue to occasionally disappear.  I enjoy our time together.  I appreciate each one of you, and am truly blessed by all who continue this path with me.

Yes, I am truly blessed!


  1. And we will be waiting right here when you are back. The baby boy will fill you with so much joy that you'll wonder how on earth you ever made it without him. God sent us Connor after my mom and dad died. I love the, "Tell God your plans and watch him laugh." I've never heard that before but so true. OH how we can make a mess of things. I understand. Can't tell you the times in the past 5 years, the rug has been pulled out from under us. Yes, so glad you heard God speak in the midst of it all. Prayers for a happy grammy and a healthy baby and mommy.

  2. What an inspiring piece, Bonnie. I sympathise with you having had too many rugs pulled from under you: that's exactly how I feel in my life right now... but how exciting to have your first grandchild on the way! Much joy awaits you :o) Jane

  3. You have much to look forward to, Bonnie. Enjoy all those great moments ahead and don't look back on the things that did not get done. The world won't end because some detail was not completed. What matters is that you are about to become a grandmother. You can never prepare yourself for the overwhelming love you are about to experience. It is the best time of your life. Just remember to take the time to breathe.

    We'll see you when we see you.

  4. You have important work to do Bonnie. Samuel Wyatt will be here before you know it and you will have such immense joy that it may shock you with it's intensity. Take care of yourself and try to take some time off each day even if it is to savour a cup of tea in solitude. We'll be here when you get back.

  5. Hello Bonnie:

    How very, very exciting for you to be looking forward to the arrival of your first grandchild. And doubtless when the end of May comes you will be busier than ever.

    What we do hope is that, with all of your commitments, you set aside some time for yourself, to do what you want to do and to be able to take pleasure in life itself. As for the blog, it must never become a chore. Recently we were 'away' for over a year!!

  6. what is the old saying...? "life is what happens, while we are making plans" :-) and it helps to stay agile on our feet, as it were.

    you have a lovely may happening to await. try to not pressure yourself, too much, on all the to-do's. flow...

    gentle hugs,

  7. oh bonnie, what a beautiful spring you are having!! i remember your "end of the year" books and your business this time of year!! and with mr. coming, you must be prepared!! oh goddness, your going to be a grandma, it's just so exciting!!

  8. You must be so excited about the upcoming birth of your grandson - no wonder I haven't seen much of you online! Try to take a bit of time for yourself, and anticipate the wonder of new life.

    "I will replace them with more beautiful rugs" - lovely!

  9. What a beautiful way to explain the ways of the world...
    Sending lots of love and best wishes to everyone in your family. Jx

  10. Dear Bonnie, you describe so well aspects of life that we all experience but choose not to write about in our postings. When we are blogging I think we tend to wear a 'happy face' and present an optimistic outlook but the truth is that from time to time life sends along some hard knocks.
    You have such exciting times ahead and I so look forward to being introduced to Master Samuel Wyatt in due course!

  11. Your rug has turned into a flying carpet, Bonnie. Wish you and yours a cloud soft landing.

  12. You will be one I will always be patient with . . . Waiting for Samuel Wyatt will bring such a miraculous gift . . .

  13. Dearest Bonnie - I am so glad for the coming has been said God never closes a door that He doesn't open a window. Also will share something I read the other day (being a teacher you may appreciate this) - when we are being tested the teacher is silent. Looks like you passed the test friend and lovely flowers, a new baby and all the good things God has in store for you are coming to pass. Please take care and check in when you can...always enjoy your posts so much. P.S.Thank you too for visiting mine - I know it takes time and I sure appreciate it.

  14. I hope all straightens itself out for you, and prayers of a healthy new grandson will be said for you. Take it easy and don't try to get everything done. I hope the rugs stay under your feet now. All will work out in the end.

  15. Beautiful Bonnie! God bless you! Yes my friend, I too, being a French teacher, have had a busy year. We are wrapping up on May 16 for our seniors, then June 6 is the last day of school. Dearest, are those DOGWOOD white blooms? And azaleas? When I lived in Boston, those magnificent colors brightened our gorgeous is this time of year.

    Thank you so kindly for coming to visit with me. I do hope your end-of-the-year projects go well and that you can enjoy a wonderful summer. Be well, and have a super day! ANita

  16. Such a beautiful and heartfelt post. I got a little weepy as I read it. You shared your challenges with us, and now we are rejoicing with you as you anticipate the up-coming baby. I admire the way you have dealt with a difficult time; you are truly an inspiration my friend!
    xx Sunday

  17. Bonnie, thank you for sharing these lovely photos with us at this busy time. Do give yourself permission to slow down; enjoy the garden at this most beautiful time of year and revel in the anticipated arrival of your new grandchild. We will still be here.


  18. Bonnie, I love coming to read your blog because you are so authentic. I have indeed missed you but of course understand the struggles and challenges of life. I am having a hard time myself lately..but that is a story for another day.

    My thoughts are with you as you finish school and move into the the new stage of your life as a grandmother. You are indeed blessed to have such a pleasure. I am so excited for your daughter and for you!

    I hope that you have a wonderful day my friend! Happy Mother's dAy!

  19. i was thinking about you today!! such a busy time of year i know. i hope you are doing well!!

  20. Dear Bonnie,
    Thinking of you and wishing you many "new and beautiful rugs".
