Sunday, April 6, 2014


Seconds turn into minutes,
minutes into hours,
hours into days,
and days into weeks...

Whenever I had a school assignment weighing on me, my Mother would patiently listen to
my complaints, seldom offering up a suggestion or giving an opinion.  Instead, after sitting with me while I whimpered and whined she would stand, place a hand on my shoulder and say, "well I suppose you need to get busy, 'time waits for no man' ".

Whenever I begin to fret over my ever growing to-do list, I often
  think of her gentle hand and words sending me off to stay on task.  

It is so easy to get tangled up as time rushes us forward.

Mother was right, the hands of time doesn't halt his march,
 nor slow his pace.

Sometimes, though, it is necessary to pause on the bridge 
between the land of need to dos and the island of should dos
and allow time to continue his passage without us.

I don't want to miss one amazing thing!

"For somewhere he has spoken 
about the seventh day in these words: 
'On the seventh day God rested from
 all his works.' " Hebrews 4:4.


  1. Bonnie my dear, your mum sounds like mine. I'd cry, I'd fret, and she would just say, "Oh well, go do what you have to do." When she was dying, I was wailing at her bedside. I said in my dramatic tone, "MUMMY, do you have anything to say to me?" She said, "No." God bless her. Now I have to move on and say what she never said.

    Thank you Bonnie for coming to visit. I am going to post only once a month now, but I will be present, only less frequently. God bless you. Anita

  2. oohhhh i so agree...we must make time for everything, including nature and fun!!

  3. Good advice from your mother. Getting started is the first step to getting it done! I hope my girls remember some of the advice I give them, just like I remember my mother's to me.

  4. Hi Bonnie, I love your Mom's advice AND .. just pause, take it in, and just be. Life is a journey and learning to go with ~ and ultimately finding peace in daily living is what matters most. xxleslie

  5. My to do list is getting shorter as I no longer demand as much from myself as I once did. Time does not stand still but I am OK with that and take from it what I can. Care for yourself, dear Bonnie, and don't miss any amazing thing.

  6. Hello Bonnie:

    On occasion we really do worry that we spend possibly more time than we should in complete inaction. But, or so we should argue, these moments can be very precious and we all need an escape from the hurly burly of life. And there is, of course, so much to be seen.

  7. Ah yes! It is good to take time and be in the moment. What's ahead needs to sometimes wait. Lovely photos!


  8. Your mother sounds like a wise woman....pausing to take stock is time well spent.
    Looking at your photos has given me a pause before tackling my day.
    Enjoy your precious time and savour those moments!

  9. Bonnie - fantastic photos. The thoughts about time are well said and you certainly had a wise mom. I know the feeling in the spring when so much needs attention indoors and out and all I want to do is walk the fields and take in nature and paint and draw. Getting older has made me less goal oriented and more enjoying living in the moment. I think I will stand on the bridge and just enjoy some of times passages. Take care.

  10. I think there's something in the scent of lilacs that makes us want to slow down. I'll bet it's that scent that takes your memories back to that little girl talking to your mom.

  11. Hello Bonnie

    Your mother was a wise and good listener. I have been thinking about doing absolutely zero on Sunday, with the exception of going to mass. It makes perfect sense

    Have a wonderful week

    Helen xx

  12. Bonnie, I had one of those days yesterday. I just needed to slow down and listen to my body and mind. They both needed some rest and it turned into a very fruitful day. Things of the mind were nurtured and the body got some rest. Thanks for your lovely reminder of what we all sometimes need.
    xx Sunday

  13. Amen, Bonnie! You go crazy if you don't switch off sometimes.

  14. Bonnie, I feel that you are just as wise as your mother. Your posts are always calming. And the lilac, is that growing in your garden? I can smell it!

  15. Dear Bonnie, how lovely to read your post this morning. I have been feeling fretted and tired with too much to do and no energy to do it. I shall now make a gentle start and not feel so overwhelmed. Jane xx

  16. What a beautiful blog you have here! And what a delightful person, you sound like. I'm so happy that I happened upon your blog. Yesssssss!!!!

    Gentle hugs,
    (Upper NYS)

  17. This is beautiful Bonnie. Just today, I realized I've been driving myself at too fast a pace. Even in holiday, I could have spent much more time just breathing and not worrying about the should do's and must do's.

  18. Your mother was indeed a wise woman, how lucky you were. We all need to slow down and appreciate the things around us.
